I Am Singaporean
I have never done memes in my life, but I figured I might as well make my first a patriotic one.
I am not mrbrown, Mr Miyagi, Xia Xue or blinkymummy. I am a common man. With common ideals. A very common name. Very common looks. And hopefully, enough common sense.
I hatched my nickname after the Dutch acronym, and later cursed it when they got kicked out of the World Cup.
I am a victim of the education system, of our social infrastructure, of National Service (nabei just got upgraded to Pes B again, c**e b*e!), but then again, so is everybody else.
I am not a thespian, nor metrosexually-inclined, neither a elitist, socialist, leftist, racist or a sexist. I am, however, shamelessly full of shit.
I drive my dad's and my girlfriend's car. I have bumped my dad's car once and went home with the foglight and my soul scraping the PIE.
I stand behind the yellow line at the MRT stations, stand inside the yellow box when I smoke and I smile at the stranger who holds the elevator door open.
I am of Teochew descent, but I swear better in Hokkien and Cantonese.
I love my country, my friends and my family. My roots and my history is here. And hopefully, so is my future.
My name is Kelvin Seah, I am a Singaporean.
So say we all. So say we all.
Tags : iamsingaporean, Singapore, NDP06,
Tagged from : the mrbrown show 5 July 2006: I am Singaporean by Mr Miyagi