Awesomeness Epitomised
In a bid to raise readership and to imbue a bit of vibrancy in this blog, I shall tell you why I am awesome. (That's also because I have nothing else better to write about.)
I am awesome because :
- It is without a doubt the very truth in the first place
- I have large nostrils
- I can stick my thumb into it
- I think I have a nice ass
- I don't allow any thumbs to be stuck into it
- I can twist my tongue (people who tie knots with cherry stems are not awesome comparatively because tongue twisters are cooler. In the literal and non-literal sense.)
- I can twist my pinky toe over to my fourth toe and vice versa
- my friends think I am easy and friendly and cannon fodder for insults
- I let them think so because I don't want to hurt their feelings with my awesome rebuttals
- I have ecxema and grey hair at the age of 27 (What. All awesome people have some form of disability. Look at the Fantastic Four!)
- I have no money but people like to think that I do
- I have no aircon and people hate it that I don't (previously establised)
In a nutshell, nobody likes awesome people. Hence I have no lunch kakis. Because I rock.
Okay. Back to work.
May 15, 2007 4:01 AM
Yo man! Yo yo Yo! Yo ar SOooo SoOOoo Cool man. Ya rockz bigz time. Keep on posting funny shits like this.
ps: I'm not your fan. I just wandered in like a hapless soul, looking at someone who behaved just like me. top
May 15, 2007 2:41 PM
You are awesome in your own world... as You are the ONLY one living in your own world...
In the REAL world, the whole universe is about ME, FC... So, in the REAL world, the most awesome person is still me... FC...
Live with it, or continue staying in your own world... top
May 15, 2007 3:41 PM
Anon : Thanks. We hapless souls need to look out for each other.
FC : REAL World = FC world = FC's own REAL world
No different from my world then. Hur hur hur. top
May 16, 2007 6:02 PM
fwah.. kel.. u're really good at making yourself feel good..
keep it up! =p top
May 17, 2007 10:08 AM
kelnvb said...
Anon : Thanks. We hapless souls need to look out for each other.
Look out for each other as in look after each other or look for each other or watch for each other or watch out for one another? Please be more precise. I need to be an ardent fan of yours. Bless me.. top
May 17, 2007 1:59 PM
Anon: on behalf of kelnvb... this is his interpretation...
Look after each other (only if u are a pretty gal)
Look for each other (only if u are a pretty gal who is still single)
watch for each other (not realli sure wat u wanna watch for unless u r doin something spectecular as i m sure kel is not planning any spectecular thing at the moment)
watch out for each other (this applies when u r a guy.)
hahaha... top
May 20, 2007 4:47 AM
I love this blog. Kel's not gay but i am. I'm gay and happy. I can't stop people from thinking that i'm gay. Perhaps i should blog why i'm gay.. Kel, i think i should start looking out for you. Hahaha... top
February 18, 2010 5:53 PM
You have really great taste on catch article titles, even when you are not interested in this topic you push to read it top
February 20, 2010 9:05 AM
It is useful to try everything in practise anyway and I like that here it's always possible to find something new. :) top